# Challenges
The following are challenges for you to attempt and might give you a some help for the competition...
- Create a program that turns a LED on when a button is pressed.
- Create a program that makes the robot move a given distance.
- Create a program that makes a robot turn towards the first marker it sees.
- Create a program that makes the robot move towards the first marker it sees.
# More challenges
At the launch, we gave teams a PDF of challenges to complete. You can find a copy of that here. Note that quite a few of these require input from the red shirts, so you may have to adapt them to suit what you have available!
# Next Steps
You are now familiar with the RoboCon kit! We recomend that you now start thinking about your strategy for how you will win. Design your robot in little steps, and test along the way - getting a prototype up and rolling is the best way to ensure your robot will be achieving your goals by the time the competition rolls around! So best of luck, and don't delay - you've got some engineering to do...